The growing concerns with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, parasite resistance to worming products and concerns for environmental contamination are prompting a revival in natural treatments, for both people and animals.
Traditional cultures around the world use herbs to restore and maintain the health of their livestock and companion animals.
Back in Balance Blends offers herbal blends formulated for supporting sheep and goats during different life stages and conditions.
Back in Balance Blends uses only the highest quality certified organic herbs and ingredients. Each batch is made fresh for the best possible product. Back in Balance Blends is not a substitute for veterinary advice or care and does not replace mineral supplementation. Back in Balance Minerals® offers a balanced, natural line of mineral formulas for sheep, goats, horses and camelids.
Traditional cultures around the world use herbs to restore and maintain the health of their livestock and companion animals.
Back in Balance Blends offers herbal blends formulated for supporting sheep and goats during different life stages and conditions.
Back in Balance Blends uses only the highest quality certified organic herbs and ingredients. Each batch is made fresh for the best possible product. Back in Balance Blends is not a substitute for veterinary advice or care and does not replace mineral supplementation. Back in Balance Minerals® offers a balanced, natural line of mineral formulas for sheep, goats, horses and camelids.